Yesterday, we did an explanation writing about an environmental problem we have and three ways to solve it. My explanation writing was about waste disposal!
Here is my writing below:
Explanation Writing - Term 4
Prompt: - - Write to describe one environmental problem and explain what people do to reduce its impact on the planet.
Think about:
- What your reader needs to know about the topic
- How you are going to introduce the topic
- The order of your ideas and how you link them
- What to include in your summary
Remember to:
- Choose your words carefully
- Take care with your spelling, punctuation, and sentences
- Edit - add or delete words or sentences to improve your work
Start Writing Here:
Problem means a matter or situation that is unwelcome or harmful. Environmental is the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates. Environmental problems are issues with the planet's systems (air, water, soil, etc.) that have developed because of human interference or mistreatment of the planet. One environmental problem the planet has is waste disposal.
To reduce the impact on the planet you can donate clothes instead of throwing them away. A lot of our waste is old clothes that people don’t want anymore. An average American throws away approximately 80 pounds of used clothing per person. On average, nationally, it costs cities $45 per ton to dispose of old clothing. That amounts to 26 billion pounds of textiles and clothes ending up in landfills.
You can also eat healthy and save leftovers. When buying junk food, some of the rubbish can fly out of your bag, pockets or your pet will tear your rubbish into smaller bits for it to fly somewhere if you leave it lying on the bench or table. Instead of throwing away your lunch or dinner, you can glad wrap or cover the food with a paper towel and put in the fridge for tomorrow or to snack on later.
You can buy things with less packaging. A lot of packaging is thrown into our waste and ends up in landfills or around the streets and roads. If there is a lot of packaging, you can also recycle the packaging or reuse it to hold foods or furniture when moving. This will reduce the amount of packaging in our landfills and waste.
Environmental problems like waste disposal are very difficult for use to overcome and it is also ruining our planet. Hopefully in the future we can restore balance on the planet and not have so much waste and landfills on our earth.