
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Venn Diagram

Kia Ora Bloggers!
We have been learning about  the different ways people celebrate Christmas around the world. I decided to make a Venn diagram to show things that are the same and different in New Zealand and Mexico. When this are the same, you can compare them. When things are different, you contrast them. I hope you like my diagram.
Merry Christmas!

Pet Day

Kia Ora Bloggers!
A few weeks ago we had a pet day! I saw lots of cats there. Someones dad came in an inflatable dinosaur costume! It was really funny and I enjoyed it. I put a rock in as my pet because I don't want to torture my cats but I didn't get a prize for my rock sadly :(. I also put in a vaseline saucer but it didn't get a prize either. Here is a picture below.

Graduation Dinner

Kia Ora bloggers!
This Tuesday we had a year 6 graduation dinner! For dinner we had ham All the girls had to wear dresses or a skirt for the dinner which I didn't really like since I don't wear dresses but I rocked this cool black dress. Can you guess who I dressed up as?
Write in the comments below, Bye!

Thursday, November 15, 2018


Kia Ora Bloggers!
For the last few weeks our focus for maths has been geometry. We got to choose geometry tasks to complete. I learnt a square has 4 right angles. Here is my work below.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

PAT Reading test term 4

Kia ora bloggers!
Yesterday we also did the PAT reading test. I got 31/35 stanine 7 in the test this term and in term 1 I got stanine 6. Here is my work below.

PAT Maths Test term 4

Kia ora bloggers!
Yesterday we did the PAT maths test. I scored 26/41 in term one and got stanine 6, and this time I got 30/41 and got stanine 7. I think I did well in the test because I got more than the last time we did the test. Here is my test scores below.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Comic strip

Kia ora Bloggers!

Yesterday, Mrs Craig made us make a comic strip about 2 characters from the book called The legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors or 2 classroom objects fitting. I did pencil versus paper. Here is my comic strip below.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Explanation Writing - Term 4

Kia ora Bloggers!

Yesterday, we did an explanation writing about an environmental problem we have and three ways to solve it. My explanation writing was about waste disposal!

Here is my writing below:

Explanation Writing - Term 4

Prompt: - - Write to describe one environmental problem and explain what people do to reduce its impact on the planet.

Think about:
  • What your reader needs to know about the topic
  • How you are going to introduce the topic
  • The order of your ideas and how you link them
  • What to include in your summary

Remember to:
  • Choose your words carefully
  • Take care with your spelling, punctuation, and sentences
  • Edit - add or delete words or sentences to improve your work

Start Writing Here:

Problem means a matter or situation that is unwelcome or harmful. Environmental is the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates. Environmental problems are issues with the planet's systems (air, water, soil, etc.) that have developed because of human interference or mistreatment of the planet. One environmental problem the planet has is waste disposal.

To reduce the impact on the planet you can donate clothes instead of throwing them away. A lot of our waste is old clothes that people don’t want anymore. An average American throws away approximately 80 pounds of used clothing per person. On average, nationally, it costs cities $45 per ton to dispose of old clothing. That amounts to 26 billion pounds of textiles and clothes ending up in landfills.

You can also eat healthy and save leftovers. When buying junk food, some of the rubbish can fly out of your bag, pockets or your pet will tear your rubbish into smaller bits for it to fly somewhere if you leave it lying on the bench or table. Instead of throwing away your lunch or dinner, you can glad wrap or cover the food with a paper towel and put in the fridge for tomorrow or to snack on later.

You can buy things with less packaging. A lot of packaging is thrown into our waste and ends up in landfills or around the streets and roads. If there is a lot of packaging, you can also recycle the packaging or reuse it to hold foods or furniture when moving. This will reduce the amount of packaging in our landfills and waste.

Environmental problems like waste disposal are very difficult for use to overcome and it is also ruining our planet. Hopefully in the future we can restore balance on the planet and not have so much waste and landfills on our earth.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Greats and Grands Explanation.

Kia Ora Bloggers! '
This Friday is Greats and Grands day and we had to write an explanation on an aging problem our grandparents had and how they could fix it. Here is my work below.

Understanding an explanation.

Copy your explanation title here.
How Grandparents Cope with Sore Limbs
1st paragraph
Define and describe what you are explaining.
A grandparent is a person who is old enough for their baby to have a baby. When people start to get old different parts of their bodies start to get worn out and they can no longer do what they could do before. This is called aging and it causes many problems. One aging problem that a grandparent may have to deal with is sore limbs.

2nd paragraph
Write about one thing you can do to cope with Sore Limbs.
One thing that a grandparent can do to cope with sore limbs is to stretch before going out to do a walk or go out gardening. This will give you more muscle control, flexibility and range of motion.
3rd paragraph
Write about a second thing you can do to cope with Sore Limbs.
A second thing they can do is to wrap a thin cloth around an ice pack and put on the sore area and take anti-inflammatory medicine, like ibuprofen or naproxen to ease inflammation.
4th paragraph
Write about a third thing you can do to cope with Sore Limbs.
A third thing that a grandparent could do is to keep hydrated. They should drink a lot of water so that it can make its way to the muscles and soothe them.
5th paragraph
Wind up your writing.
Sore limbs can be a difficult aging problem for grandparents to deal with but people are hopeful that improvements in technology will be  a big help for this in the future.

Greats and Grands Poem

Kia ora Bloggers!
Also for Greats and Grands day, I wrote a poem and some people are chosen to stand up on the day and read what they wrote. Here is my work below.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tongariro National Park Fact Slideshow

Kia Ora Bloggers!
After our Ski Trip, we also made a fact slideshow about Tongariro National Park. I found out a lot of facts about the mountains and rivers on Tongariro National Park and all the fun activities on the waterways and on the mountains. Here is my work below.

Ski Trip Diary

Kia Ora Bloggers!
After we came back from our amazing Ski Trip, we made a daily diary about it. I really enjoyed the Ski Trip, it was lots of fun and we learnt a lot about trout and mountains. Here is my diary below.

Friday, August 24, 2018


Kia ora bloggers.
A couple weeks back my teacher Miss Dixon assigned  the whole class to do a temperature activity. There were 4 activities in total. To make sure this activity was finished she made a deadline which is today. We also had to to choose a buddy to help us out. Amethyst and I decided to go together.

Here is our google slide to show what we have been up to:

Animal Report

Kia Ora Bloggers!
A few weeks ago we started making animal reports and we got to do it on any animal of our choice. I chose a Brazilian Wandering Spider. Here is a link to my work. Link 

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Silly Sentence

Kia Ora Blogger!
On Thursdays and Fridays we have Miss Dixon and we are learning about temperature because in 26 days we are going on the SKI TRIP!! I am going to show you a sneak peek of what we have been learning. This is our silly sentence to help us remember how to spell thermometer.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

My Holidays

Kia ora bloggers!

I LOVED my holidays. I watched Kings Men, Golden Circle and Coco. The best thing was that we didn't have to do much work. I'm not very happy I have to go back to school though. I also went to Kaitaia. What's your favourite movie?     

I hope you had a good holidays. Bye!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

My Waitangi Experience

Kia ora, Bloggers!
Last week on Thursday and Friday we went on a trip to Waitangi. We learnt about the Treaty of Waitangi and the Taiamai war. The next week we had to make a slide to show how was our experience. Here is my work

Friday, June 1, 2018

LEGO Stories

Kia ora bloggers
Last week Mrs Craig brought in some LEGO for us to make some stories with them. Honey, Amethyst, Depla and I were in a group and we made 2 stories with the LEGO. Here is our work.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Gold Session

Kia ora bloggers!
Yesterday, we had a golf session with a man called Mr. Golf. He taught us how to hit the ball and how to hold the clubs. We had to hit the ball to a target and the person with the lowest score won. Here is some photos.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Commonwealth Games

Kia Ora Bloggers!
A few weeks ago the seniors of Ohaeawai Primary school hosted a mini Commonwealth Games and the next term we made a slide show about how it went with a reflective comment.

Here is my work below

Friday, May 11, 2018

Autumn Poem

Yesterday Mrs B and Miss Stewart took us outside to draw and write somethings that we saw. After that we went inside and wrote a poem about what we saw using the words we wrote outside.

Here is my work below.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Learning Journey 2018

Kia ora bloggers,
We have been thinking about our learning for term 1. We were shared a presentation with a range of questions on it that we had to answer. Here is my work below.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Shadow Art

Kia Ora Bloggers,
Last week we did an art activity with the theme "Shadows" . We made a picture of ourselves and had to cut it out with black paper behind it to make a shadow. Here is my work:

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


This week we have been learning about Similes. Mrs B shared us a document of random pictures that we had to match into similes. Here is the document I made.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Swimming Term 1

This year we have been practising streamlining our arms and legs. We also been practising our breathing skills. We also had Swim Safe to teach us how to survive in a rip or a current.
I can swim a length of the pool. I am good at floating on my back. I need to work on staying under water for longer.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Maths test term 1 2018

Kia ora bloggers!
Here is my maths test for term 1,
I think I did really well with number knowledge,
I think I need more work on number strategies,
Here is a picture of my sheet below.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Poetry or Prose lesson 3

Learn:1. That rhythm is a main clue that a piece of writing might be poetry.

2.  What rhythm is

Friday, February 16, 2018

Reading poetry 2

1: That rhyme is a main ‘clue’ that a piece of writing might be poetry.

2: What rhyme is.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Treaty of Waitangi

Reading week  2 Term 1 2018
This week’s goals:
Learn: How to recognise, ask and answer literal questions.
Success criteria:
Read texts and be able to think of a literal question based on that text.
Use the key words What, Where, Who and When as sentence starters for your literal questions.
Answer literal questions posed by other people.
Create:   DLOs on which to record answers to questions/activities based on the Treaty of Waitangi. (from several sources).
Scroll down for more information and links
On Monday of this week you will be working independently. Go to this document and follow the instructions. You need to read texts attached to the page so that you can answer the questions and create your own DLO to show your learning.
Tuesday: Waitangi Day-You will not be at school.
Wednesday:  You will have a workshop with your teacher.

In order to show that you have met the learning goals above you need to do 2 things with this sheet.

Step 1. Find your named box and write a literal question that could be answered by someone who has just read your text about the Treaty of Waitangi. Step 1 will be completed while you are with the teacher.
Dulcie - Who first began writing the treaty document? William hobson?
Ronan - When was the treaty signed? Feb 6 1840
Lawrence - Who was the first Maori to sign the treaty ? Hone Heke
Georgia - Why did Britain decide to protect the Maori? ?  
Leonor - How many chiefs signed the  T.O.W?  around 500
Jessica - What is the founding document of NZ? The T.O.W
Louisa - Who gave advice to W.H? James busby
Sara - What does rangatira mean?  chiefs
Indi - Who translated the treaty into maori? Henry Williams and his son
2. Once all of you have written a literal question in your own box, you each need to make a copy of this document.  Put your copy into your Reading folder in your Google drive. Using your new document, you need to answer each literal question until every box on your new document includes a literal question and its answer.  You will complete Step 2 independently after you have left the teacher. Tomorrow you will have another session with your teacher and your work will be marked.

Published Writing Recount

                My Waitangi Day
“Aaa Ggghh, I’m boooored!” I moaned as the car came to a stop. It was Waitangi day and as always it was busy. Lucy, Ngaz, Nana, Mum and me were in the car sweating like pigs while we waited in an ENORMOUS line on the road to get to the shuttle. Finally, we made it to the car park after an HOUR probably. The car come to a stop for the last time and we all came racing out of the car to get some fresh air. My feet touched the lush green grass in the paddock  “Ahhhh” I said in relief as the breeze passed through my body. “Grubby!” I laughed as I pointed to the back of a car that had the word grubby on it. We all laughed and made our way towards the gate. “ANOTHER LINE! THIS ONE IS EVEN BIGGER!” I shouted as we walked across the road to the shuttle line. “Waitangi day better be worth all my walkin today” I said in an annoying way. We made it to the bus and jumped in and surprisingly Jodey was driving our bus. We got to the bus stop and came out, it was even hotter. We watched the Navy people play and we watched 21 guns salute which was so exciting for me since I have never seen it before. We were all puffed out after getting some fresh baked fry bread for lunch and so we headed home. “I enjoyed my day thanks mum and nana,” I said smiling.