My class have been learning about mountain to the sea.
Here is my mountain to the sea drawing I did.
Friday, December 9, 2016
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Geometry Assement
Here is my geometry assement I did for maths.
We have been learning about shapes and geometry. We are also making a cool 3D shape town, using mapping and 3D shapes, in groups that we still need to finish.
We have been learning about shapes and geometry. We are also making a cool 3D shape town, using mapping and 3D shapes, in groups that we still need to finish.
Monday, December 5, 2016
Friday, December 2, 2016
We have been learning about animal reports. We have used a digital learning object to show our animal reports.Here is one of them.
We have been learning about Animal reports and we used a digital learning object to show our learning. Here is a thinglink I created about penguins.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Turtle Report
We have been learning about reports.Here is one of my reports I did.
Turtles are reptiles.Reptiles share their name with 6 different animals frogs,tortoises,turtles,snakes,crocodiles and lizards.
Reptiles lay soft leathery eggs,hard scaly skin,cold-blooded and can spend time in water and land.
Turtles have a protective shell. They have a lower shell and an upper shell and then their arms, legs and body. When turtles first hatch out of their egg they are about 3cm long and 2cm tall. Turtle's shell have a pacific pattern on it so it is very rare.
Turtles are first herbivores (plant eaters) when they are first born. When they get to about 30 years old they start to became carnivorous also know as meat eaters. After about 70 years of age they became Omnivorous (eat both kinds meat and plants).
Turtles are reptiles, so they lay soft leathery eggs.Turtles lay their eggs on land and leave them to hatch after 9 weeks. First the mum turtle gets pregnant and waits 4 weeks. Once she can lay her eggs she goes to land and digs a hole and lays her eggs in there. Once she is finished laying her eggs she digs the hole back up and goes back to the sea. After 9 weeks her eggs start to hatch. The babies start to dig up to the land and go to sea.
Turtles are found in small swamps in rain forests, in the sea and in creeks. Turtles don’t always stay in water, some turtles stay in the water and then leave to go somewhere for food and go back to the sea.
Closing statement.
Turtles are being killed for their shells to be used for decorations. Some turtles skins are used for hand bags.And some types are very rare.
Friday, November 11, 2016
Pet day and Vaseline Saucers
This is me and my vaseline saucer.
Pet Day
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Friday, September 9, 2016
How bees make honey
We have been learning about explanations and bees. I use we video to create a video to explain how bees make honey.
Friday, September 2, 2016
How to throw a shot put.
For writing we have been learning how to do Explanation is one of mine.
Have you ever wanted to be like Valerie Adams one day?
Here are 5 steps on how to throw a shot put.
Firstly put your shot put on your finger tips and raise it up to your neck with your elbow high.
Secondly put your feet shoulder width apart.
Thirdly lean back on your right leg.
Fourthly you twist your body all the way back so that your line of eyesight is at the back of you. Point your other arm in the direction you want to push.
Finally twist back to the front and push the shot put as fast as you can into the air. Watch the shot put to see how far it has gone.
Those are the 5 simple steps on how to throw a shot put.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
For reading we have been learning about Honeybees. I have made an explanation in google draw to explain the role of the collector bee.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Monday, June 27, 2016
This is my handwriting. I think I have done well with the top row of handwriting. My work is neat and tidy and easy to read.
Friday, June 24, 2016
My partly cloudy Writing
Zoom! The bird happily glided to the big houses delivering cute fluffy ginger kittens.
The cloth slowly unwrapped when the baby came out.
The birds hided into the big clouds.
The little brown puppys happily ran to there home.
The small little black and white kitties slowly fall asleep on the doorstep.
The big white birds slowly raced into the big fluffy clouds.
“WAAAH!!!!” cried the poor little baby sadly.
Bark! Bark! Went the small little black puppy well he happily played with the rugby ball.
Bob the little gray cloud sadly played with a piece of cloud.
Munch went the little green crocodile.
Happily the big fluffy cloud gave the white bird a huge hug.
“Ahhhh!!!” screamed the big bird as the little green crocodile bit his head.
Bob looked at the bird sadly as he delivering the ram.
Slowly the poor white bird flyed down to the houses.
The ram angrily botted the white bird on the chest.
“Ahhh!” screamed the bird as the porkypie landed on his hand.
ZAP! Went the cloud as the puppy came to life.
“AHHH!!” shouted the bird as the Bob the cloud showed him the shark.
“ERHHH!!” Shouted Bob angrily.
“WAHH!!!” cried Bob as the bird glided away from him.
Happily the bird came back to Bob and put on his armor.
“YAY!” said the cloud as well as giving him a hug as well.
ZAP! Went the eel as he shocked the bird.
The bird and Bob gave each other a big hug.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Showing our Writing Process - Write Draft / Edit and Polish / Publish
Written Language - Cameo
Learning Intention: I am learning how to use appropriate and effective similes in my cameo writing.
Success Criteria:
I am able to find and highlight similes in a cameo and explain why they work.
I am able to write appropriate similes for objects in my cameo.
Here is an example:
Winter blows its cold breath everywhere.
The early morning frost greets you like being welcomed onto the marae.
The wind howls in the freezing air like a stray dog hungry for a bone.
Snowflakes flutter like leaves falling from autumn trees, covering the ground with a white sparkling blanket.
The trees become bare, brown bones standing like statues admiring the view.
Heavy rain falls from the sky like a thousand hooves pounding against the ground.
Chilly bitterness in the air, winter is here.
Here is my draft piece of writing!
Lots of little spider eggs in the lush green sparkly grass as you dunk your cold feet in the lush green grass.
The colourful leaves twirl down off the bold baer trees like pretty ballet twirling around on the stage.
Trees go as bald as a man's bald head.
Trees twist around in the cold wind as the leaves sway like a swing.
The autumn brezze greets you with a shiver from your teeth.
The colourful leaves cover the ground like a nice warm blanket.
The leaves make lots of patina on the ground like rainbows.
In the morninng The sparkly lush green grass sparkles like the stars and when you pounces on them they dissaper like magic!
The leaves skater on the ground and get swoped away by the wind like dead flies.
The trees go bald as the leaves scoop off, and the trees have no pretty hair.
All the colourful leaves change colour and fly off the trees and die.
The leaves crunch like dilousos golden crunchie bars.
Here is my published piece of writing.
Lots of little spider eggs lie in the lush green sparkly grass.
The colourful leaves twirl down off the bald trees like pretty ballerina’s twirling around on the stage.
Trees go as bald as a man's bald head.
Tree’s branches swing around in the cold wind.
The autumn breeze greets you with a shiver and goosebumps.
The colourful leaves cover the ground like a nice warm blanket.
The leaves make lots of patterns on the ground like a checkered shirt.
In the morning the sparkly, lush, green grass sparkles like the stars.
The leaves scatter on the ground and get swept away by the wind.
All the colourful leaves change colour and fly off the trees and die.
The leaves crunch like delicious, golden crunchie bars.Friday, March 18, 2016
Here is my moment in time writing about a volcano that we made in the sandpit.
Sizzle! sizzle! shake! shake! Slowly the big volcano erupted. Steam came sliding up. Red hot rocks came spitting out! Slowly out came a hot red lava river slithering down, burning everything in it’s path. Big gray smoky clouds came sizzling up into the sky. The red hot lava river slowly made it’s way down the volcano. As it got to the ground it destroyed the trees, branches, leaves, grass, ... EVERYTHING!!! Everyone screamed in fear as the hot red lava river came closer. Red flames were everywhere. The ground was shaking and the trees came crashing down as the flames spread across the town. The green grass was now bold black like a big black spider. Everything was destroyed or had been torn to tiny pieces.
Slowly the lava turned into hard rock and stayed still like a statue. The rocks slowly cooled down and drifted away. The big gray smoky clouds slithered up into the sky. Everyone was safe.Thursday, March 3, 2016
The Auckland Trip
“I can’t wait!!!” I screamed. Mum, Asher, Lucy, Buster and I were going to Auckland with nana and papa to see Aunty Dulcie. I was so excited my heart felt like a motor ready to race off like a jet! Mum and nana got the blankets to keep us warm then we left.
Yawn. It was 6:30 at night. I was as sleepy as a pig. Everyone was asleep except papa and mum. Papa was driving and he was wide awake. Crash! crash! We raced up a big long hill. Beep! beep! We finally arrived. I was so tired I felt like a sloth. Slowly I dragged my feet to thedoor and jumped into bed. I was fast asleep in no time.
ROOOAAARR! My sisters alarm clock woke me after a long peaceful sleep. I stretched my arms out as far as they could go. Slowly I walked up to the kitchen to have my breakfast. I was so hungry. Munch! munch! munch! I scoffed down my breakfast like a pig. Finally everyone was awake. Meoww! Dexter was crying for some food like a big baby. Papa fetched Dexter some of his cat food. Dexter munched down his cat food very fast.
Click click Mum was busy on her new typewriter. She was bashing the keys to make they stand out. “Time to go!” shouted papa. We all jumped into the car and raced down the large hill 
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Chromebook Unboxing day
Unboxing Day
“Arrrrgggghhhh!” I screamed. I can’t wait until I receive my chromebook. Crash! Errrkkkk! I ripped my box out. “Woooow” I screamed as I cuddled it like a teddy bear. Magic received her chromebook and she looked like she was about to EXPLODE!!! The class and I were busting to open the chromebook. All the parents were there to see the big smiles from their children. I was going to spring up because of all the excitement in my heart. “I just CAN’T WAIT TO WORK ON THEM” I screeched at Magic but no reply. Magic was to into her chromebook.
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